AspenTrilogy (Boxed Set) Read online

Page 3

  "My pleasure," he said close to her ear and sat back in Scott's seat.

  "I stand by my statement." Milo picked up his beer and held it out for a toast. "Here's to pretty women who can't dance."

  All three men clinked glasses and drank.

  "You guys are ridiculous. I can dance. Ask Hannah." She looked around for her friend, but couldn't see her or Scott anywhere on the dance floor or otherwise. It had only been a few minutes since she'd seen them dancing.

  "Tyler. Where's Hannah?"

  The rest of their party glanced about the room. "Maybe they went outside for some air?" Milo offered. "Hannah is hitting it pretty hard tonight."

  Too hard, if anyone asked Lily.

  "I'll check." Tyler stood and headed for the door, leaving her with Milo and Luke.

  "I hope she's okay." Lily had been more than a little worried about her friend all evening. She'd seen Hannah over-indulge a time or two, but she'd never paired it with anger or irritation or whatever it was she had burning beneath the surface tonight.

  Tyler returned a few minutes later. "She's puking…in the parking lot."

  "Oh, my God." Lily stood, and Luke followed suit.

  Tyler held up a hand. "Don't go out there. She's mortified enough. Apparently, she let loose all over Scott's boots and pants. So, he's headed home, too."

  "I should go." Lily stepped away from her chair.

  "Nope." Tyler shook his head. "She asked me to take her home. She wants everyone else to stay and have a good time." He narrowed his gaze at Lily. "Especially you. She didn't want to ruin your first evening on the town, as she put it."


  "You should stay, Lily," Luke said.

  "Yes, you absolutely should stay." Milo banged his fist like a gavel on the table, declaring it so. "I don't want to be left alone with this guy." He indicated Luke with a jerk of his head. "He's a worse dancer than you."

  It made her happy to know she wasn't alone in her humiliation. "Okay, fine. I'll stay."

  "One more thing. Can I take your car?" Tyler raised his brows at Lily. "I rode in with Scott, and I hate to make him drive us all the way home wearing my sister's puke. I'll come back for you after I get her settled."

  Luke held up a hand. "Don't worry about it. I'll make sure Lily gets home safe."

  Tyler sent her a questioning look, asking if that was okay.

  "Sure." She dug her keys out of her purse and handed them to Tyler. She'd sort of been teasing earlier when she'd refused to dance with Luke, but saying no now would be flat out rude. It was obvious Hannah had a real problem with Luke, and he was still very much on the avoid list. But the rest of the guys seemed to like him okay, and she didn't want to come across as a bitch. "I'll check on her when I get home, too."

  Tyler left, and now they were down to an awkward threesome. Lily took a sip of beer as the song switched to a country ballad. Just as she set her glass down, a curly redhead appeared at their table.

  "How about a dance, Milo?" The girl had a sweet, yet sultry look about her, and Milo's eyes immediately lit up.

  "Absolutely." He turned to Lily and half-whispered. "Me and Sierra are going to go do our thing, but I'm leaving you in good hands." He winked and walked away.

  Then there were two.


  Luke leaned back in his chair, studying her from beneath his cowboy hat. The sight of him, relaxed, his gaze smoldering, took away her breath.

  She quickly glanced away. This was not good. She was in over her head, and she knew it. She didn't want to like him. Didn't want to appreciate how hot he was. She sure as hell didn't want to be attracted to him, but every time she looked into his eyes, her insides thumped with excitement. He was a heartbreaker, she reminded herself. Those tempting lips were one of his weapons.

  "Dance with me." His mesmerizing gaze invited her to wander down an unexplored path that promised pleasure. The country singer crooning in the background enhanced his invitation.

  She exhaled a nervous breath, wanting to say yes, but also knowing she should say no. "You don't want to dance with me. I'm pretty sure you saw how horrible I was." She lifted her beer and took a drink of the cool liquid.

  "You just need the right partner," he said with all seriousness.

  She took another drink, her mouth still dry. "Milo says you can't dance either."

  He laughed at that. "Trust me. I can dance." Her breath hitched. She was pretty sure he could do more than dance.

  He stood and held out a hand to her. "It's a slow song. You won't mess up."

  There was no way she could reasonably say no. Or maybe, deep down, she didn't want to. She'd been getting conflicting messages concerning Luke since she'd arrived in town, and maybe she wanted to make up her own mind about him. "Okay." She stood and took his hand.

  As she followed him to the dance floor with him holding her hand, she couldn't help but notice how tall he was. She stood at five-foot-nine without heels, and he still towered over her. She like that. Liked that he seemed big and capable and strong.

  And wrong, according to Hannah. Completely wrong for her.

  He pulled her into his arms, and she suddenly wished she'd worn something more substantial than an almost sheer blouse and short skirt. It didn't seem like enough protection from this man who assaulted all of her senses.

  He splayed his warm hand on the small of her back, and her fingertips burned where she touched his shoulder. He started to move, and she found it easier than she'd thought to match his steps. He held her gaze, as a sexy, yet somehow dangerous energy coursed between them.

  She wanted to look him in the eye, face her attraction and control it, but the longer she stared, the more intense their connection grew. Shit. She dropped her gaze to his lips to avoid his eyes. He owned the word desire. Maybe delicious, too. Like his mouth, the way his lips almost begged for a kiss. She knew without a doubt he'd taste sinfully good.

  She blinked, derailing her traitorous thoughts.

  Wow. She really couldn't go there. Not with this guy. She wanted to get to know him a little better, but she wasn't sure she could do that and still maintain a healthy distance. She turned her head away, trying to ignore his tantalizing smell of sunshine and leather, and how good it felt to be held by him. Each second that ticked by made it harder and harder to remind herself that Hannah said he was not a nice person.

  "I think we're doing pretty good, don't you?" he said, his mouth close to her ear.

  She lifted her gaze, realizing she hadn't had one misstep. That surprised her because she'd lost herself completely in her thoughts about him instead of concentrating on dancing. "I guess we're not as bad as Milo said after all."

  "Maybe Milo's the one who doesn't know what he's doing. Fool that he is, he left you alone with me."

  With any other guy, Lily would have been able to come back with a witty response, but Luke had this crazy way of stealing all her rational thoughts.

  "I'm going to twirl you now."

  "What?" Before she could panic, he leaned away and turned her in a circle before pulling her back into his arms. She'd made the move flawlessly.

  Their bodies were closer than before, and he let go of her hand, wrapping both of his arms around her waist. She had no choice but to rest her hands on his shoulders. He pulled her to him, leaning his head next to hers in an intimate gesture. "I'm sorry if I'm being too forward. You just smell so good."

  Her nose was close to his neck, and she couldn't help but inhale. "So do you." Too good.

  He leaned back, capturing her gaze. "Yeah?" He arched a brow. "I’m glad you like it." He pulled her close again, and she allowed herself a moment to appreciate their dance. He was a good-looking man holding her in his strong arms, making her heart beat just a little faster. Most would consider her lucky. Plus, this might be the only moment they had in time, and it felt good. Damn good.

  * * *

  Shit. He was screwed.

  Luke adjusted his hat as he followed Lily back to their ta
ble, which was now occupied by Milo and Sierra. He'd known he'd be exposing himself to a potentially volatile situation if he decided to show up at Swallow's in search of Lily, but he hadn't been able to stay away. After their interesting meeting earlier in the day, he couldn't forget the soft blond curls that he ached to touch, or the compelling smile she'd left him with as she'd walked away.

  Showing interest in any of Hannah's friends was asking for another attack on his reputation. But then, he'd never been one to back down from a challenge. Still, he knew getting Lily to give him a second look was going to be one hell of a fight. By the way Lily had avoided looking at him when he'd joined their group, he knew Hannah had already buried her barbs in Lily's thoughts. So be it. He'd backed down all those years ago, but he was done with that. Right now, he was prepared to do battle.

  He wasn't quite sure how Lily had done it, but she'd twisted her way inside his mind, and he couldn't seem to get enough of her. He didn't know if it was her looks or the way her gorgeous dark eyes seemed to see past what everyone else saw. Or at least he hoped she could see beyond the bullshit he knew Hannah had said about him.

  He'd been willing to leave the past in the past. Why couldn't Hannah? What had happened between them had been eight long years ago. They were both far different people. At least he hoped so.

  * * *

  Lily glanced at her watch, surprised to find that two hours had passed since Hannah had left her alone at the bar. She'd really enjoyed Milo and Sierra. They were very cute together, both with a fun sense of humor, and she liked getting to know some of the townsfolk, liked feeling as though she might fit in even though she came from a very different background. People here were not as backward as Hannah would have her believe.

  Then there was Luke.

  Lord help her. She'd enjoyed being with him, too. More than she probably should have. He was a great dancer and an interesting conversationalist. She wished she could say she didn't care for his company, but that would be a lie.

  Milo and Sierra didn't seem to have any problems with Luke. There had to be more to the story between him and Hannah. If he was such a bad person, why did so many people seem to like him? Sierra was a woman, which made her a prime target of Luke's according to Hannah, but she didn't seem to harbor any ill feelings toward him. Something was off.

  Either way, Lily needed to head home before Luke got the wrong idea about her friendliness. Even if he wasn't as bad as Hannah had said, Lily owed her loyalty to her friend, which meant she needed to keep Luke at arm's length. "I should probably go," she announced to the small group at their table.

  "So soon?" Milo asked.

  "I'd better check on Hannah, make sure she's still among the living after her little binge." She really wished she could stay and enjoy these fun people, but duty called.

  Luke stood and slid her chair out for her. Always the gentleman, and seriously a puzzle.

  They said their goodbyes, and Lily was a little shocked that Sierra hugged her and made her promise to stop in at the coffee shop where she worked.

  "Nice people," she said to Luke as they walked away.

  "You'll find a lot of that in this town." He held open the door for her as they exited and steered her toward his truck that he'd parked on the opposite side of the street. She had to admit that she'd never considered trucks beautiful before and would have thought she'd prefer a Porsche, but his big black beast of a machine shined in the light from a streetlamp, looking like a sleek predator with the strength of a giant simmering beneath. It was like a sports car on steroids, and it shrieked testosterone and power.

  She liked it.

  He opened the passenger side for her, and she realized she'd have to climb up to get into it. "I feel like I should ask for a boost," she said with a laugh.

  "I'll lift you, if you like." A mischievous glint lit his eyes.

  "I'll just bet you would. But I think I'll try it on my own first." However, the thought of him touching her again tempted her.

  "Grab that handle up there, put your pretty little foot on the bar, and give it a shot."

  The height of the truck forced her short skirt higher, but she pulled herself up until she reached the soft leather seat. The crisp sent of a pine air freshener greeted her, emulating the clean interior. She looked down at him, enjoying the feel of being in his lair. He was rough, tough and masculine, and sitting in his truck made her feel that much more feminine. "Looks like I managed, after all."

  He nodded, his engaging grin sending shivers bolting through her. "Looks like." He watched her for a few seconds before he slid a long, slow gaze down the length of her legs. "Those shoes sure look good on you."

  The moisture in her mouth evaporated. "Thanks." She swallowed and turned away, needing to distance herself from his captivating eyes.

  He shut the door, and a few short seconds later, he climbed in the driver's side. The engine turned over seamlessly, and she had to admit she liked the feel of the power rumbling beneath her. "Nice truck."

  "Thanks. I like it." He cranked the vehicle around on the small two-lane and headed toward Hannah's place. Make that her place, too.

  An awkward silence filled the space between them now that they didn't have Milo and Sierra to keep up the chatter.

  She tried to steer her thoughts away from his intoxicating presence and come up with some small talk. "Have you always lived in Aspen?"

  "Yep." He kept his eyes on the darkened road ahead of them. "Growing up, I dreamed of leaving. I did live in Salt Lake while I went to college, but I've since realized this type of lifestyle really appeals to me." He glanced at her. "I'm not much for the fast-paced world. I prefer something with a little more depth."


  "You don't know what I mean."

  "Yes, I do." She stammered. "Well, kind of."

  "Have you ever spent much time in a small town?"

  She shook her head, feeling like she'd missed an important part of life's education. "No, not really. Just today."

  He nodded. "If you stick around for a while, you'll see what I mean."

  "Don't you miss the excitement?"

  "What excitement?"

  "The energy of a city, the people, the convenience of having everything nearby."

  "I've got everything I need right here."

  He stopped his truck, and Lily realized they had already reached her little house. Wow. It seemed like it had been a much longer drive when she'd arrived earlier in the day. The house was dark. Only one light came from the big house up the hill.

  "Let me get your door for you," he said, and then exited before she could agree or argue.

  He opened her door, and as she swiveled and prepared to jump down, he grasped her around the waist. "Wouldn't want you to mess up those sexy shoes."

  She more or less slid down his body until her feet hit the ground, the whole encounter a lesson in exhilarating sensations. He held her for a second longer than was necessary before he stepped back. Tugging her out of the way, he shut the door, cloaking them in virtual darkness. "Come here. I want to show you something."

  She accepted his hand, afraid that she'd step somewhere she shouldn't. "I can't see a thing."

  His soft laugh cascaded over the warm summer air. "It's okay. I've got you."

  That's what she was afraid of.

  He stopped near the front door, still holding her hand, and she was very aware of the strong male presence next to her.

  "Look up."

  She tilted her head back, not sure what she was supposed to be looking at. Then she saw them. She exhaled an excited breath. "Oh. Wow." Tens of thousands of twinkling stars sparkled in the midnight sky. Maybe even millions. She'd never seen so many. The longer she looked, the more they seemed to illuminate. "Where did they all come from?"

  He let out a real laugh. "They've always been there, but you can't see them in the cities. Too much light. Too much pollution." His voice grew closer to her face, and she could tell he was focused on her now. "You miss all this in a
fast-paced world."

  He had a point, she thought as she gazed at the beautiful night sky. "You're right. It's just amazing."

  Warm fingers found her cheek, and she froze. He traced along her jaw line. She tried to breathe as the pads of his roughened fingertips cruised over her lips. For a second, she considered resisting, but she couldn't deny she'd imagined this since the moment he'd walked into her life.

  When his mouth found hers, a rush of hot sensation burst through her. She sighed as though she'd tasted the most sinfully decadent dessert. She shouldn't be kissing this man, but…

  The air in her lungs evaporated as his arms snaked around her and he hauled her to him. Heat flared, pulsating between them as he tilted her head, giving him better access to her mouth.

  She raised a hand to stop him, but it took her several moments before she put her fingers next to his mouth and gently pushed him away. He released her, but kept her hand, pressing a deliciously hot kiss on the inside of her wrist. A frisson of shivers left her unsteady.

  Before she had a chance to react, he placed another soft kiss on her lips. "Thanks for dancing with me tonight. I hope I get to see you again."

  His tactics effectively stole her words. She touched her fingertips to her lips, remembering the tantalizing feel of him. It was as if he'd permanently branded her. "Uh…" Shit. He was on that damned avoid list. "I'm sure I'll see you."

  "I'd hoped to spend a little more time with you." The timbre of his voice seduced her to the point of almost breaking. "Can I call you?"

  Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

  "Because of Hannah."

  Every fiber of her being rejected the idea of turning him away, but she had to remain loyal to her friend. "Yes."

  "So even after all this time, she's still determined to ruin what's left of my good name." He sighed. "I'd hoped you were the kind of person who made up her own mind."

  "I am." Lily was certain she'd heard disappointment in his voice. "It's not that I believe everything. It's just…she's my friend."