Banished (A Retribution Novel) Read online


  A Retribution Novel

  By Cindy Stark



  C. Nielsen

  Banished © 2014 C. Nielsen

  All rights reserved

  Amazon KDP Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. The ebook contained herein constitutes a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, or stored in or introduced into an information storage and retrieval system in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This ebook is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Also by Cindy Stark

  Aspen Series




  Cowboys and Angels

  Come Back To Me



  Whispers (An Argent Springs Novel)

  Retribution Novels




  Moonlight and Margaritas

  Sweet Vengeance



  Violet Murphy crept up the back stairwell and slipped into her father’s empty office in the industrial area located in the outskirts of Denver. She’d chosen midday to visit because most employees would be on their lunch break and wouldn’t see her in that area of the building. She had no idea who was trustworthy or who would tattle on her to her brother.

  Her brother, Kenneth, would be at the hospital with her dad. She should have plenty of time to investigate her father’s claims and determine if her brother had indeed involved the company in something illegal after her father had taken ill, or if it was only her father’s meds talking.

  With sadness cradling her thoughts, she glanced around at the familiar objects that had accumulated from a lifetime of her father spending most of his hours at work. She ran a hand over the smooth cherrywood desk and sank into his overstuffed leather chair.

  After all these years, he’d finally allowed her entrance into the inner sanctum that was Murphy Shipping. Not that she hadn’t been in his office a million times since she was a little girl. But this time, her father had invited her to participate in the running of the company.

  Something she’d longed for forever.

  When Kenneth found out, he would be livid.

  She turned on her dad’s computer and waited for the desktop to load.

  “Violet, dear? What are you doing?”

  She startled, her body automatically preparing to fight. But it was only her father’s assistant.

  “Ellen. You nearly gave me a heart attack.” She put a hand to her chest.

  “Same here.” The dyed-blond woman stepped farther into the office looking as trim and as polished as she had for the past twenty-five years she’d worked for Murphy Shipping. “I heard voices and wondered who had snuck in. Kenneth’s at the hospital with your dad, and no one else is supposed to be in here.”

  Emotion crept to the surface, and she cleared her throat. “Dad told me last night he wants me more involved with the company. He’s worried about Kenneth and some of his recent choices. Do you know anything about it?” Ellen would have access to far more information than she did. Her tiny office in the far corner of the building kept her pretty well out of the loop, not to mention she was out of the office quite often looking for new customers.

  “Nothing concrete.”

  “I’m not even sure what I’m looking for, but Dad did say he doesn’t want to leave Kenneth solely in charge.”

  Ellen stared at her for a moment and then broke into a grin. “Hallelujah, girl. I’ve been telling him for years you had untapped potential, but I think he has a hard time seeing a woman as anything other than a secretary or a wife. Plus, you’re his sweet, little girl, not a cutthroat businesswoman. It’s too bad he had to wait until he can’t be around to enjoy the experience.”

  Violet nodded, trying to keep emotion from closing her throat. “I never wanted to be that girl, you know. The symbol of his success, the one he showered with gifts and money, and talked about to his friends. I could have learned so much more from him if he would have let me in.”

  “I think he was afraid to, Violet, afraid to love someone that deeply after your mother died.”

  She snorted. “That sounds tragic and lovely, but he didn’t seem to have the same problem with his son.”

  “Don’t be so sure.” Ellen moved farther into the room, closing the door behind her. She drew closer until she stood at the side of the desk where Violet had seen her standing so many times during the years. “He might have given Kenneth a bigger role in the company, but he kept his emotional distance from him as well.”

  “You can’t make this better, Ellen. Up until this latest setback, he golfed with Kenneth every week. They held meetings together while they relegated me to working on the website and brochures. If I wanted to do something for the company, they sent me out of the office. Don’t tell me he treated us the same.”

  She put a hand on her shoulder. “I didn’t say he treated you the same, only that Kenneth’s relationship with him wasn’t as perfect as you seem to think it was.”

  Lifelong frustrations surfaced, and she shook her head, blinking back the tears. “I wanted him to be proud of me. To see me. To see what I’m capable of and give me the chance to show him. Now he’s…” She hated that she craved his approval.

  “He’s not gone yet, dear. Just because he might not make it back in the office, doesn’t mean he won’t hear of your accomplishments. Trust me on that one. You’ve learned despite the roadblocks, and I’m damn proud of you. Your father is too even if he doesn’t say it. Believe me when I say he wouldn’t have given you partial control if he didn’t think you were capable.”

  “Thank you. What would I do without you?” She stood and hugged her father’s secretary and long-time lover. Ellen was the closest thing she’d had to a mother since her mom died ten years ago during Violet’s first year in high school, and Violet owed her immensely for constantly encouraging her to reach for new heights.

  She swiped a tissue from the credenza and handed it to Violet. “What did Kenneth say about your father’s recent decision?”

  That was the kicker. “He’s going to tell him today. I’m sure it won’t go well.” Violet and her brother had been at odds since she could remember. She would forever be the tagalong, the person who held him back.

  Ellen blew out a breath. “That’s not a conversation I’d like to hear.”

  “Me, either.” Violet shook her head in agreement.

  “I suppose your father will tell me all about it when I head over there later on.” She straightened some papers on the desk and gave Violet a sad smile. “I’m sure you have things to do. I’ll let you get to them. Can I bring you some coffee?”

  This had to be so difficult for her as well. “I’m good El
len. Thank you. For everything.”

  The older woman left, shutting the office door behind her.

  With a sigh, Violet clicked on a financial spreadsheet and entered the password.

  Access Denied.

  The words surprised her. She tried the password again and received the same response. She frowned and glanced at her father’s scratchy writing on the slip of paper. She’d entered it correctly, unless she was mistaking her father’s twos for zees.

  She tried it that way as well with no success. Maybe he’d given her an old password.

  Or maybe Kenneth had changed it. She wouldn’t put it past him. He’d been eager to take over the company since her father’s doctor had first diagnosed him.

  She stared at the damn box on the computer screen demanding a correct password. Fine. The system could win…for now.

  She scrolled through the list of files trying to open several others with no success. Why did her brother feel the need to change everything so soon? Could her father be right? Had Kenneth become involved with shifty people?

  Her gaze snagged on a file titled Other Accounts. That was new. The creation date was shortly after her father’s doctor had admitted him to the hospital this last time, and she knew of no reason they’d need to keep some accounts in a separate folder.

  Of course, it wouldn’t open either.

  The resentful part of her wanted to tell her father to forget it. He wanted a watchdog now that he couldn’t be that person, so he’d give her a chance, but he should have let her be involved all along. If she didn’t love their company so much, from the contracts to the big semis that rolled down the road with their company logo on them, she would have told him to stick it, but it was as much her lifeblood as her father’s.

  If Kenneth intended to follow her father’s dream and see them expand into overseas shipping, she wanted to be involved in every step. She’d learned their business the hard way, but she knew it as well as anyone, and she wouldn’t let her brother drag it into the mud with questionable activities.

  Too many people’s jobs, as well as her livelihood, were on the line. She’d stick her head in every crack and corner, which would piss off her brother, but she didn’t care. She had as much right to Murphy Shipping as he did.

  Suspicion encouraged her to pull a flash drive from her father’s desk and copy the Other Accounts file along with several others including their financial spreadsheets. She’d ask her father first before she confronted Kenneth, and then she’d shake things until all hell broke loose. The files on her flash would ensure he couldn’t delete anything.

  The phone in her pocket rang, and guilt slapped her when she saw Kenneth’s name on the screen. He’d be furious if he knew she’d snooped. Ultimately, she’d have to say something, but she wanted to have her ducks in a row first.

  “Hello?” she said into her phone.


  “Yes?” she said when he didn’t continue.

  “Dad’s dead.”

  Chapter Two

  Violet sat next to her father’s casket, enough tears and emotions spent for the day to fuel one of their big semi trucks. The quiet, serene atmosphere of the funeral home was a balm to her raw, aching spirit. She’d expected her father to walk her down the aisle one day, not to bury him before he’d turned sixty.

  Most of the people attending the viewing the night before his funeral had come and gone, leaving only a few stragglers. In another ten minutes when the viewing was officially over, she could go home and lose herself in a hot bath and a glass of wine. Maybe two.

  She glanced at her brother across the room. Tall, with dark hair like hers, he looked like a respectable man. But looks could deceive.

  “Hey, baby. Sorry about your dad.”

  Violet shifted her gaze to find Detective Brian Haskell standing next to her. His strong aftershave overwhelmed her senses, making her cough. Her brother had grown up with the local sheriff’s son, and he continued to foster a relationship with him and his buddies.

  Haskell had hit on her since she’d been sixteen, never coming up with anything new besides his creepy come-ons. The man made her skin crawl. Always had. Always would.

  “Excuse me? Baby?” He’d long since worn out her inclination to be kind.

  He rolled his eyes. “Come on, Violet. You know we belong together.”

  Was he seriously coming on to her right now? “That will never happen.”

  “Give me one night with you, and I’ll prove it.” He lifted his brows in a suggestive gesture.

  She stood and took a step back. “God, Haskell. You make me sick. You do realize my dead father is lying right next to us.”

  He glanced at the casket and then back to her, his eyes hard with rejection. “Doesn’t matter. You’d be a cold-hearted bitch either way.” He turned and sauntered to where her brother stood.

  She sank into her chair, her insides shaking with fury. She had no idea how her brother could have remained friends with such slime.

  Kenneth shook hands with Haskell, nodding to whatever the asshole said to him.

  A moment later, a dark-haired, olive-complexioned man joined them and they began what looked to be a serious conversation, punctuated by a few smiles from her brother as he gestured to them about something. It bothered her that he took her father’s passing so well.

  Perhaps he’d shed his tears in private.

  Suddenly, the men all glanced in her direction, leaving her uncertain and awkward. Kenneth lifted his hand in a wave and sent a smile in her direction. Uncertain how to respond, she repeated his gesture. No doubt they were talking about her…but why?

  The men left a few moments later and her brother joined her, taking the vacant seat next to hers. The only people left in the room were two friends who hadn’t seen each other in a while who seemed preoccupied with their own conversation.

  “We need to talk,” Kenneth said in hushed tones.

  “Who was that man who joined you and Haskell, and why were you all looking at me?” She knew what her brother wanted to discuss, but now was not the time.

  “Business associate,” he answered.

  “I’ve never seen him before. What’s his name?”

  Kenneth shifted in his seat, his gaze edgy and annoyed. “What difference does it make?”

  “I won’t know the answer to that until you tell me who he is. Dad gave me equal control over the company, Kenneth, so I have the right to know who we’re dealing with.”

  “No. He intended to give you equal control. He died before he could make that huge mistake.”

  Asshole. He took great satisfaction in putting her down every chance he had. “No. He told me he spoke with the lawyers last week. It’s already a done deal.” She couldn’t help but enjoy the oh-shit look that crossed his face.

  “Fuck,” he whispered under his breath, sending her an angry glare. “I don’t have time for this shit. When Dad told me his intentions, I didn’t realize he’d already finalized it.”

  She compressed her lips, taking a moment to swallow her initial retort. “I guess you’re stuck with me now. Like always.”

  “You’re wasting time, Violet. We both know you’re not capable of handling the business, that’s why Dad never gave you any real responsibilities.”

  His barb dug deep into her insecurities, and she thrust a mental sword to fight it. “Obviously, he realized his mistake.”

  “Or he was too high on meds to truly think about his decision.”

  Bastard. She glared at him. “It doesn’t matter. He made his choices, and you’ll have to live with them.”

  Kenneth exhaled and softened his features. “Violet, be reasonable. You don’t have to give up your shares in the business. Just sign over control to me. You’ll keep your new salary, and this way will give you more time to shop for shoes.”

  She inhaled and let it out slowly, trying to keep her temper contained.

  “What’s the matter, Kenneth? Are you afraid I’ll delve a little too deeply int
o the company records and find out what you’re really up to?” She smiled when an uncertain glint lit in his eyes. “Dad feared you’d ventured into dangerous territory, and I’m starting to wonder if he was right. I’m not going to turn over control to you, and I sure as hell am not going to let you ruin Dad’s company.”

  “Damn it, Violet. You have no idea what you’re talking about.” The muscles in his jaw flexed, and she knew she’d pushed him toward his limit. But he’d pushed her, too, cornering her while her grief still had a raging heartbeat.

  “Just sign the damn papers and let life continue.”

  She stood, her own irritation and anger spurting through her veins, replacing the sadness. “Dad would roll over in his grave if he could see you now, except he’s not even in the ground yet.”

  Kenneth pushed off his chair and straightened, towering over her by a good six inches. “Haskell’s right. You’re a bitch. A greedy, conniving, selfish bitch.”

  She recoiled, surprised by the depth of his anger. “Wanting to make sure the company runs the way Dad wanted it does not make me a bitch. He was worried you’d jump into risky ventures, and you know it. I find it disgusting that you’re pushing ahead with it before we’ve buried him. He told me to watch out for you. Even with his compromised health, he knew something was wrong.”

  “Give me my goddamn business, Violet.”

  “It’s not only yours,” she shot back. “I know you’ve put your heart into it, but I have too, whether you’ll acknowledge that or not. Why do you think he gave me fifty percent of the company? Why not leave me money equal to shares and give it all to you? I’ll tell you why. You’ve made some rash decisions in the past. Dad didn’t completely trust you. Talk to our attorney. Have him read the entire will. I can’t resign my control for at least a year, and I’ll be honest. I don’t think I’ll ever give it up. You might think I’m out to get you, but I love Murphy Shipping. It’s my life, too.”